Plein Air Painting Kit
Over the years I’ve refined my plein air painting setup many times. See this post for the previous iteration of this kit. Some pieces of kit have stayed the same while others have changed or been upgraded but the goal is always to be as compact and convenient as possible while being as fully featured as needed. My goal is always ease of setup and takedown to eliminate any friction in getting out to paint - but also because optimizing and making adjustments to my equipment is fun!
Easel Setup
Previously I used a sitting setup with a board for a lap desk. Eventually I upgraded to a Gurney-style plein air easel that I designed and assembled myself.
Plans for this easel are available on Gumroad with full assembly instructions, supply list and .svg laser cut files here.
When closed it measures 7” x 12” and on average 3/4” thick, 1” at the hinge and weighs about 1.3lbs (630g). It’s laser cut from 1/4” Baltic birch plywood with adjustable friction hinges and two 1/4-20 attachment points for camera tripod quick release plates.
Painting Supplies
Spectrum Violet
Olive Green
Permanent Green Light
Burnt Umber
Burnt Sienna
Payne’s Grey
Titanium/Permanent White
Spectrum Yellow
Marigold Yellow
Pyrrol Red
Yellow Ochre
Cerulean Blue
Ultramarine Blue
3/4” Flat
12 Filbert
1/2” Angle Shader
8 Round
2/0 Round
Happy painting!